(508) 627-9201
Find charming homes for sale in downtown Martha’s Vineyard. Enjoy the vibrant island lifestyle with these centrally located properties.
Single Family Residence In Downtown, Vineyard Haven
3 beds
2 baths
Condominium In Downtown, Oak Bluffs
2 beds
1 bath
1 bed
Commercial In Downtown, Edgartown
Commercial In Downtown, Oak Bluffs
4 beds
4 baths
Single Family Residence In Downtown, Oak Bluffs
Unimproved Land In Downtown, Oak Bluffs
0.2295 acres
MLS 42933
Commercial In Downtown, Vineyard Haven
1309 SqFt
717 SqFt
Constructed 1900
454 SqFt
3 baths
6 beds
Single Family Residence In Downtown, Edgartown
5 beds
6 baths
5 baths